Letters To Editor

Email contact of all the authors are given for the readers to facilitate direct correspondence with them if they so desire. In addition, readers may also send letters to the editor expressing their views & suggestions. Letters should be brief & not more than 150 words.

Ethics of Gender was thought provoking. More such features are welcome.
N Kumar
Dear Sir, Congratulations for revamping The Asian Journal of Professional Ethics & Management web site. The latest issue also contains very useful information. Awaiting for the next issue. Wishing you and your entire team all the very best. Best regards Gopakumar Chennai, India.
Dilip Prabhan
Interesting Editorial, article about Evolution of Human Consciousness and Ethics of Gender. Would like to see more articles like these published on regular basis. Just thought of bringing to your attention a minor typo on page 8, Ernest Hemmingway quote. Thank you.